We work with leading companies around the world

Sønr is the trusted choice for insurance carriers, brokers and reinsurers around the world. Our platform, and supporting team, empower our clients to discover and create new opportunities to propel their businesses forward.

We're trusted by the world's most prestigious names in insurance:

  • Market Intelligence Platform, Sønr invitation
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Tokio Marine: end-to-end scouting and innovation management

Having worked with Tokio Marine for a couple of years we were asked if the Sønr platform could be extended to improve collaboration and connection across their Group – enabling them to better share information across their 46 countries and regions worldwide.

We joined forces and together we launched Sønr’s PoC tracker – enabling Tokio Marine to input, search and track the innovation activity across the group. Within weeks of going live Tokio Marine were immediately able to identify multiple PoCs running concurrently with the same startup. 

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Chaucer: scouting early stage ventures for specialty (re)insurance

Originally introduced to Sønr by another client, we’ve been working closely with Chaucer for a number of years. Whilst a smaller company than the others featured, they pack a punch when it comes to innovation. 

A key role we play is in identifying and connecting Chaucer with early stage ventures, often meaning they will be the first to invest or partner with them. Equally important is our ability to research more emergent tech and industry trends – from parametric solutions to clean energy startups.

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Generali: creating new futures around the world

Present in over 50 countries and with 68 million customers, it’s critical for Generali to access the latest and most comprehensive intelligence on market trends and connect with the leading innovators around the world. 

The Sønr platform was selected as Generali’s market intelligence partner in 2021 and over the years we have been working closely to support a breadth of areas – from global scouting to running startup pitch events.

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Travelers: in-depth intelligence creating new opportunities 

With a well established innovation function, Travelers approached Sønr wanting help to identify and assess startups relevant to specific business challenges, opportunities and use cases. Whilst the bulk of this would be insurance-related, it was critical whoever Travelers partnered with were able to scout adjacent industries and technologies also.

After a number of discussions, what attracted Travelers to Sønr was a combination of the data on 3+ million companies at our fingertips coupled with a team of world-class researchers, each of whom have vast industry expertise.

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